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    « Dangerous Ideas (3) | Main | Dangerous Ideas (1) »

    Dangerous Ideas (2)


    I liked your idea regarding the obliteration of
    classrooms as we know them today - and this has been
    an idea that has been bantered around for probably as
    long as 'classrooms' have existed, but it seems that
    regardless of different experiments and forms of
    teaching/learning - open universities, internet
    studies, and there are many new innovations that I
    find amazing, the same classroom structure remains!
    Only in the lowest grades do you now find a different
    classroom set-up - why shouldn't it work for the
    higher grades? Could the sheer number of students to
    be taught be the reason? More and more people today,
    and it's very popular here, are learning thru the
    'open universities/high schools' and doing well - this
    is a good sign of change. Also your idea of the
    student input has become more popular - something that
    didn't exist on such an advanced level in my day...

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