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    « UP: Pixar's Masterpiece | Main | Photographic Fictions (2) »


    UP the new 3D animation from Pixar is at one and the same time a simple and beautiful love story and an exploration of the medium of animation. 3D is used here not as an effect but as an enhancement, a way of transforming the artifice and artificiality of animation into a narrative of an old man's love of his deceased wife. The old man struggles with modernity, with change and with urbanization. His search for a lost Eden is really a search for his lost childhood. In fact the film is about the symbols and objects that make up and give meaning to life at any age. Well worth a visit to the theater.


    Reader Comments (2)

    Simulations abound in Pixar's Up! While the symbols and narrative do point to the aforementioned struggles with modernity and urbanization, I noticed the use of simulations and simulacra ( translating dog collars, fake bird skeletons, the house as a makeshift airship, female bird posing as a male) to push the plot forward. Perhaps most interesting is the presentation of this 3D animated film using stereoscopic 3D. Woah, there must be a glitch in the Matrix! :)
    June 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterbartoszbos
    Great comment. The use of simulation in all aspects of the film also infiltrates the story. UP is very much about the clash between virtual worlds and human feelings.
    June 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRon

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