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    Henry Inlander, British Painter



    Over the last few years I have been getting emails and phone calls from former colleagues and students of Henry Inlander. Inlander died in 1983, a sad and premature death at the peak of his abilities. Two of his paintings are owned by Tate Britain. And, there are many other major galleries in the world that purchased his work. The above image is one of my favourites.

    Henry Inlander was born in Vienna, Austria. Lived in Trieste in 1935-38. Settled in England in 1938. Attended the St.Martin's School of Art in 1939-41 and Camberwell School of Arts and Crafts. In 1950 went to the Slade School of Finea Art, where he won the summer composition prize, in 1952 a Rome Scholarship. First one man show at Galleria La Tartaruga in Rome in 1953; his first show in London at Leicester Galleries in 1956. Awarded Premio Acitrezza Sicily in 1958 and a Harkness Commonwealth Fellowship to America in 1960-61. Held many group and solo shows in Britain and abroad. Tate Gallery, Contemporary Art Society, Arts Council, National Museum of Wales, provincial and overseas galleries hold his work. He lived in Anticoli Corrado for many years which is where this painting was completed. The Beaverbrook Gallery in New Brunswick also owns an early painting of his.

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