Design Thinking
This video was developed and created by Bree Galbraith, a Design student at Emily Carr University.
Dr. Ron Burnett Kinetic Typography for Current 2011 from The Design° on Vimeo.
Can Machines Dream? (Five Parts)
The Magic of Apple is Really About the Magic of Design
Reflections on New Media (Nine Parts)
Artficial Worlds and the Cinema
Brain Images, Neurosciences, Cultural Theory
Bad News, Richard Posner and New Media
Research in the Arts and Design
The Practice of Interdisicplinarity in Design and New Media
Ceramics in the Material World
Dilemmas of Teaching and Learning
True Blood and the Culture of Vampires
Virtual/Real/Virtual (Three Part Series)
Social Networks and Virtual Communities
A Shallow Argument: Nicholas Carr + the Internet
Indigenous Images + Stories: The Case of Eric Michaels
Digital Culture Notes (First of a series)
From Quantum of Solace to Sherlock Holmes
Robert Frank and American Photography
From Community Media to International Networks
Reflections on the Documentary Cinema
There are three major essays on Roland Barthes within this web site.
Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida and Cultures of Vision
This video was developed and created by Bree Galbraith, a Design student at Emily Carr University.
Dr. Ron Burnett Kinetic Typography for Current 2011 from The Design° on Vimeo.
Reader Comments (3)
This is a great synopsis of a profession (yet again) struggling with enormous change. Having successfully adapted to the changes in the late 20th century, where new technologies completely transformed the design industry, now I find myself struggling with this new shift—where thinking becomes the point, not a means to a marketable product. This marks a switch from designer as consultant to businesses with a goal of increasing profits, to designer as an agent of social change.
And I wonder, are we up to it?
Beautifully presented and very well said (and design/thought)!
Thanks David and Jonathan!
I agree that we are into a period of intense change in Design thinking and most particularly in the way in which Design functions in the world.