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    « Graphic Comics and Alan Moore (2) | Main | Sopranos (The End) »

    Graphic Comics and Alan Moore (1)


    ©Ron Burnett

    Reader Comments (1)

    very impressive - we never paid too much attention to the message comics were meant to pass on - actually we NEVER KNEW that comics were supposed to pass on messages/morals, etc. We knew that nursery rhymes/fairy tales were supposed to teach us morals - but comic books?? They were just for fun. It reminds me of the needlework that the S. American women would make during the oppressive Pinochet/etc., years. There were so many messages in them - if you cared to look. This was their only way to not only pass on information, but to protest.
    July 5, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterFanya

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