The Wizard's Door
© Ron Burnett
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Science is not a mechanism but a human progress,
and not a set of findings but the search for them.
Jacob Bronowski, 1956. (in: Science and Human Values)
This is to invite you to participate in the Second Advanced International Colloquium on Building the Scientific Mind to be held from Monday 28 till Thursday 31 May 2007 in Vancouver, BC, Canada. This unique event brings together innovative thinkers, researchers, practitioners and policymakers from across disciplines and sectors. We shall be honored by your decision to take part.
The event is being organized by the US and France-based Learning Development Institute, a transdisciplinary networked learning community devoted to excellence in the development and study of learning, in close collaboration with the Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design in Vancouver, Canada, and the Canadian Commission for UNESCO.
Dates: Monday May 28 until and including Thursday May 31, 2007.
Venue: Emily Carr Institute of Art + Design, 1399 Johnston Street, Granville Island, Vancouver BC V6H 3R9, Canada.
Working language: English (papers in other major languages may be considered for inclusion in the Web-based proceedings if accompanied by an abstract in English; however, oral presentations are in English).
Registration, fees, accommodation and meals: US$ 200 Can $250 / € 160 if paid before April 1, 2007; US$ 250 Can $300 / € 200 if paid after April 1, 2007. Participants are asked to make their own hotel bookings. A list of hotels can be found on the Web page of the event, listed below. Lunch for the four colloquium days is included in the colloquium fee, as is the official colloquium dinner. During morning and afternoon sessions, coffee and tea will be served.
Further information can be found at the web site for the colloquium.
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