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    Video Presentation: Is New Media New?

    Is New Media New? The disciplines that constitute Art and Design have developed into rapidly evolving research domains that include sound, image, video, digital media, mixed media (including print media), new forms of visual expression, interactive games, multimedia art, multimodal environments and many other areas. In addition, the more traditional disciplines have been profoundly affected by these new technologies to the extent that areas such as painting, film, photography, drawing, sculpture and printmaking now all intersect with and often depend on digital tools to create works of art. Yet, is all of this really new?

    This video was recorded at REFRESH! THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE HISTORIES OF ART, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - September 28 - 0ct 1, 2005 and placed onto the Web in 2008 as a peer-reviewed scholarly work chosen for inclusion.

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