W/Here: Contesting Knowledge in the 21st Century

W/Here is a symposium organized by Emily Carr University of Art and Design and the European League of Institutes of Art. The conference will be taking place from December 7-9th, 2011.
“W/Here: Contesting Knowledge in the 21st Century?” will include perspectives from artists, designers, musicians, educators, administrators and cultural workers who have deep commitments to the role of Higher Arts Education. Over the three days at both emily carr university and other cultural locations around Vancouver the Symposium will address the following themes:
Have We Ever Been Modern | The Institutions of the 21st Century
Dispersed Learning | The Students of the 21st Century
DIY Open Source Culture and Learning Cultures | Leadership in the 21st Century
MOBILE WORKSHOPS A series of mobile workshops have been planned, with groups of 20 participants visiting a range of Vancouver’s cultural organisations, to experience how these themes manifest in the configurations of arts organisations today.
New Approaches to Applied Masters Degrees | Masters in Digital Media, Great Northern Way
First Nations Culture and the Digital Turn | Museum of Anthropology